To the children and families experiencing loss –you’re not alone.

Get Support
The Children’s Collaborative for Healing and Support started in 2021 to honor the stories of children that have experienced the death of a parent or caregiver to COVID-19, and provide resources to help them and their families as they rebuild and look to the future. Today, the Children’s Collaborative brings together community organizations, grief groups, government resources, and more to surround all families with a comprehensive network of support. By strengthening this system to support children and families we ensure that no children or family grieves alone.
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1 in 14 children will lose a parent before the age of 18.*

Too often their stories go unnoticed.
“It’s harder than people think, the dramatic change of your caretaker being there every single day of your life and then all of a sudden they’re gone. Your whole world changes. Everything changes. Radical change like that can affect you for a long time.”
Age 16, Arizona
Lost Father
“It’s a very hard time in your life and you just don’t know what to do… It is difficult to go to sleep at night when you’re thinking of that special person. It’s hard to get out of bed when you’re thinking of that person. It is just hard to do stuff when you’re thinking of that person.”
Age 16, Maryland
Lost Mother
“CBEM Reports.” Judi’s House. 1 Mar. 2023,

Find Resources to Navigate Loss

We’ve curated a library of high-quality resources to support families and community champions through every step of the journey. This includes resources for financial services, grief and bereavement, mentoring and non-clinical interventions, and educational support to help your child and family navigate this challenging time.

The Hidden Pain Report

The Hidden Pain report, published in December 2021, provided first-of-their-kind estimates of the number of children who have lost a caregiver and concrete recommendations to support them.
Read the Report
Children's Collaborative is an initiative of the COVID Collaborative, a bipartisan coalition of the nation’s leading experts in public health, education, and the economy working together with state and local leaders across America to win the fight against COVID-19.
Learn More About Our Work

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